(27.09.2015) The App does not work on iPhone 6 Plus. It crashes constantly, and when one moves from one page to another the App takes ages to render the corresponding page (in case it shows something, because most of the time it crashes). I have sent these concerns to the App developer but he hasnt replied anything at all.
(15.09.2016) The App has improved the rendering and it does not crashes constantly, even though it still crashes from time to time (for instance when (un)choosing the option "Autoupdate epub library" as one reads a djvu file). However the render of the djvu files is still not suited for a iPhone 6/6s/7 Plus: the new feature of this update is that only a rather small portion of the display shows the selected djvu file, which is impractical and frankly ludicrous. Advice: buy another App.
tanoherc about DjVu Reader, v2.0.15